Knockdown & Rebuilds

Knockdown & Rebuilds

We specialise in knockdown and rebuild projects; our team are experienced in the process of demolishing existing structures on properties and constructing a new home in its place. This type of service is particularly popular in urban areas where homeowners may choose to replace an outdated or less functional homes with a new, custom-built one.

townhouse project before
townhouse project before area has been fully cleared
townhouse rebuild project frame
townhouse completed rebuild after shed knockdown

Demolition Expertise

Look for companies with expertise in safe and efficient demolition processes. This includes obtaining necessary permits, handling environmental considerations, and managing debris removal.

Site Assessment

Companies should conduct a thorough assessment of the existing site, considering factors such as soil conditions, utilities, and local zoning regulations. This analysis helps in planning the new construction.

Custom Design Services

Companies offering design services can help you create a new home that meets your vision and lifestyle. Look for professionals who can work with you from the initial design phase through the construction process.

Custom Home Building

Choose a company that specializes in custom home building. Since a knockdown and rebuild project involves creating a new home from scratch, you want a builder that can tailor the design to your preferences and needs.

Project Management

Effective project management is crucial for knockdown and rebuild projects. Ensure that the company has a proven track record of managing such projects efficiently, meeting timelines, and staying within budget.

Permits And Approvals

Knockdown and rebuild projects often involve obtaining permits and approvals from local authorities. A reputable company should be well-versed in the permitting process and ensure compliance with all regulations.

Transparent Communication

Clear and transparent communication is essential throughout the entire process. Choose a company that keeps you informed about the progress of the project, addresses your concerns, and provides updates regularly.

Local Experience

Companies with experience in your specific location are familiar with local building codes, regulations, and potential challenges related to construction. This local knowledge can contribute to a smoother project.

Contact Your Local Knockdown Rebuild Specialists Today

GO Build Custom Homes are specialists in Knockdown Rebuild jobs. Are you looking to knock down your walls in your home? or looking to knock down our entire house?

We have a wealth of knowledge and experience to demolish, design and build your new home. Call us today on 0434 235 333.

home after knock down


Approximately how much does a knockdown, rebuild cost?
This depends on the type of house, such as tiled or metal roof, brick veneer or weatherboard, concrete slab or sub-floor, asbestos/hazardous materials, site access, what services are connected, etc. Each site is quoted accordingly, but you can expect to spend anywhere from $10k to $50k to have the house demolished.
What issues can you run into with knockdown rebuilds?
Every build faces its own potential challenges and issues. Before the house is demolished, all services are disconnected, and hazardous materials disposed of accordingly. By the time the house is ready to be demolished, it is quite safe to have some heavy machinery to meticulously pull the dwelling apart and group common materials together to minimise what goes to land fill. All safety measures are put in place so there are no incidents on site to complete a safe, effective and efficient demolition.
Would you recommend a knock down rebuild, over renovating?
The dwelling needs to be treated individually. For some homes it is more practical and beneficial on costs to knock down and rebuild, where other dwellings with different circumstance may be better off renovating or extending.
Can you make money off a knock down rebuild?
You can definitely make money off a knock down rebuild, but you also may not. This is where it is important to not over capitalise and to build smart. It also comes down to many factors, such as; is the existing dwelling paid off or on a mortgage, what is the land worth, can you fit more than one dwelling on the site, what is the budget of the build, prices of local homes for sale in the area, etc.