

The subdivision journey begins with you, the land owner. By acquiring large pieces of undeveloped land or existing properties to be redeveloped, you’ve made a huge investment. GO Build are an experienced group of builders, who understand how important it is to get this process right.

Brick Veneer, Town Houses In Melbourne, Victoria, subdivision by GO Build

We help you divide your large tract of land into smaller lots or parcels, allowing for the development of your new, subdivided properties. Here are the key aspects of what the subdivision process will involve:

Feasibility Studies

Before initiating the subdivision process, we will conduct feasibility studies to assess the viability of the project. This involves evaluating zoning regulations, environmental considerations, infrastructure requirements, and market demand.

Planning And Design

We work with architects, urban planners, and other professionals to design a subdivision layout that adheres to local zoning laws, maximizes land use efficiency, and meets market demands.

Zoning and Permitting

GO Build take the stress out of the process, by navigating zoning and permitting processes. We will take care of seeking necessary approvals from local government authorities. This may involve rezoning the land, obtaining subdivision permits, and ensuring compliance with land-use regulations. All taken care of by GO Build.

Infrastructure Development

Our team are responsible for developing or upgrading infrastructure such as roads, utilities (water, sewer, electricity), and other essential services to support the newly created lots.

Lot Division

We will look after dividing the land into individual lots or parcels, each with its own legal description. This process involves surveying and marking boundaries, creating easements, and ensuring compliance with local regulations.

Marketing And Sales

Once the subdivision is ready, we will help you with marketing and selling the individual lots to developers, builders, or end-users.

Homebuilder Collaboration

Subdivision companies often work with homebuilders who purchase individual lots to construct homes. Collaboration may include providing guidelines for home construction, architectural control, and maintaining aesthetic standards within the subdivision.

Contact Your Local Subdivision Experts Today

It’s important for subdivision companies to work closely with local authorities, adhere to zoning regulations, and consider the environmental impact of their projects. Additionally, they play a crucial role in shaping the physical and social aspects of communities through thoughtful planning and development. GO Build Custom Homes, understand this importance and are willing to work with you to ensure your subdivision project adheres to guidelines and is done properly.

Call us today on 0434 235 333, to discuss your subdivision project and how we can make your vision come to life.

multi story subdivision homes

Frequently Asked Subdivision Quesitons

Do you have lots of experience with subdivision?
We have a lot of knowledge and experience in all aspects of construction with close to 15 years’ experience in residential building providing you with the best possible development design so that you can maximise your profits.
How much does it cost to subdivide?
There are many variables that can affect the price of subdivisions, such as local council application, surveyor costs, civil works, the number of parcels created by the plan and the number of owners corporation rules lodged with the plan. You could be looking anywhere from $20k – 100k.
Do you offer any services after the subdivision has been completed?
We can help with all your building requirements to transform the subdivided block into a developed site with numerous dwellings, so all you need to do is work out what you would like to do with the houses once built.